Monday, March 30, 2020

stockholm weekend pics, self isolating in march

settling into this staying at-home routine. noticing small things of beauty while physical distancing. and taking a break from non-stop news updates.

1. spending time with the cats, on our lap and nestled beside us.

2. being spoilt by stefan's non-stop delicious cooking... indonesian meatballs with sambal beans, french onion pasta, spicy katsu chicken sandwiches and so much more goodness.

 3. ordering indian street food or tezukuri sushi take-out, every friday night.

4. shopping for groceries, getting outside. i actually love to grocery shop. these days, however, the trip can be a little anxious making so we walk along the water, the long way there. 

5. stopping by the fish guy for salmon... he's spoilt me with smoked salmon. i can't eat store-bought anymore! 

6. picking up fika from our local baker, magnus johansson to enjoy at home, waiting on pink hearts for our turn to go inside, only 5 allowed indoors. 

6a. eating ice cream with caramel sauce on a cold sunday.

7. visiting the omnomnomn chocolatier, eva mantsinen, and thanking her for her creations. polka (english translation, peppermint) is my favourite but then there is the hazelnut crisp too. both heavenly.

8. spotting red hearts dangling from a tree.

9. drinking gin and tonic with friends, virtually :)

10. playing board games and laughing out loud.

11. potting an aloe. giving my wooden spoons a new home. all the while, enjoying a piece of almond cake (top photo).

12. playing music, learning the ukulele. 

13. eating eggs for breakfast, always. but for kai, it's pancakes.

14. remembering the last time we went out. so glad we got to that concert with ximena and petter. we didn't really know then that it would be our last outing. thankfully my illness shortly after the concert didn't get any worse than a cold/flu. for ten days, i was taking meds, drinking tea, finding comfort in slippers, pjs, and netflix all day long. 

hope you have found your cozy at home this month. be safe, stay healthy.

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