Monday, April 13, 2020

stockholm weekend pics, a lagom-filled easter

embracing simplicity. at our friend's home, they know how to create intimacy: friendship, conviviality, and happiness into one. the swedes call is lagom... being with friends and family, eating and drinking. the beauty of slowing down, enjoying the moments and simple pleasures in life. we do it well together :)

on this easter monday, it started with churros, just the right, generous, amount was consumed. then, a walk in the gorgeous crisp afternoon, the lighting just perfect. the neighbour's cat visited. the table filled with good food, including herring and salmon, of course. candles are a must too, bringing warmth to the table.

i don't think ximena has bought bread for over a year, instead preferring homemade. her loaves are gorgeous. it's one of her simple and magical ways to care for those who are lucky enough to experience lagom with her and her family.


the long weekend also starred lounge-y breakfasts, lots of chocolate and sweets, and board games too. lagom.

the easter egg hunt!

hope you had a lovely lagom-filled long weekend too. 

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