Tuesday, May 5, 2020

stockholm weekend pic, svindersviks brygghus

stefan and i went on our first outing! we rode our bikes to svindersviks brygghus. no indoor service, just outside with tables spread out. the artichoke quiche was delish. 



cecelia delivered her chocolate flourless cake with caramelized walnuts. it was light and delicious. too easy to have seconds... and thirds.

the cats are always good fun... sneaking up on the dining table, lounging, watching the birds :)

ylva caught on the table, tsk, tsk

every so often i'll treat kai (and i) to lördagsgodis... a "saturday candy" tradition in sweden in which swedes limit candy to saturday in pursuit of moderation and health. however, i've also read that swedes consume the most candy in the world! supermarkets have aisles of candy and there are plenty of free-standing candy shops too. 

i love sour candy and swedish fish :)

hope you are doing well and enjoying some sweets too!

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