Friday, August 28, 2020

södermalm: pizzas at fotografiska and stockholm bränneri

stefan and i biked to södermalm along the waterpath to visit the fotografiska, the beloved photography museum and one of my favourite museums. before i moved across the bridge, i had a membership which i made use of frequently.

midweek, stefan dined with me on their outdoor patio, devouring pizza from their oven and a glass or two of prosecco. with stefan heading back home to continue his workday, i ventured indoors to peruse their exhibits.

as soon as i saw the images taken by the legendary space telescope hubble, i knew stefan would have loved journeying through time and space. my favourite, however, was hassan jajjaj's fashion photos full of colour and rhythm, shining a light on his moroccan roots and mixing it up with contemporary london. the best part? he uses moroccan friends and their friends as models!

stockholm bränneri held a summer feast, showcasing pizza and veggies! and of course, their gin :) while the wait was a looong one due to rules about the amount of people allowed indoors, it was well worth the wait. i have never had such a herby pizza before and it was really good. i even left with artichokes, including a flowering one. isn't pretty?

leaving södermalm, back over the bridge, to come home...

while i am back at work now (school starts in mid-august here), i am still happy to enjoy these long sunny days.

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