Monday, May 3, 2021

stockholm weekend pics: a sakara picnic

cherry blossoms, like most places, are a big thing here. they are a symbol of springtime in any place with four seasons. and with places, like stockholm, with such long winters, looking forward to the flowers blossoming is a welcome activity. 

they bring such joy, it's fun to people watch, seeing countless people taking selfies with the pink flowers and enjoying picnics. usually, people gravitate to kungsholm parken to view the pink lovelies. however, we discovered that swedes also make their way to our neighbourhoood. at luma parken, by the tram stop, a teeny area of cherry blossoms can be filled with people taking selfies with the flower. 

and we immediately said yes when invited by nils and jenny to picnic at luma parken. they supplied the picnic food - sushi, cheese, olives, and crackers and we supplied dessert, courtesy of magnus johansson bageri, of course.

stefan and i couldn't help but think about the street we lived on in vancouver, lined with cherry blossoms. i love how a little thing, like flowers, brings such happiness. and time with friends, there is always laughter when we get together with these two :)

it wasn't all pink flowers, some spring cleaning took place too. this brings me happiness too... tidying, cleaning, re-organizing.

and ylva... she brings such joy and is always looking for comfort.

hope you enjoyed cherry blossoms too... and have a cat to cuddle (if not, adopt now!)

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