Tuesday, April 26, 2011

local designer

i recently learned that one of our very first friends here in vancouver is now making and selling jewellery.  i wish i had photographed heidi's jewellery line when i visited her. she is making some lovely stuff. but i did make a purchase. i have had my eye out for a necklace with a feather pendant but i hadn't found one that i liked very much until my visit with heidi. 

heidi is one of the most charismatic people i know.  she's funny and has such an easy laugh.  she's also pretty amazing - not only does she make jewellery, she also sings in a local band called the western investors, works part-time, and is a mom of two young boys. amazing, yes? kai and her youngest were in utero at the same time and whenever they get together, which unfortunately is sporadic, it's like no time has gone by. 

image taken when kai and ollie were 2 years old


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