Monday, April 25, 2011

saving up

in the next few months my work schedule becomes on the heavy side, working full-time hours.  i love my work so this is welcome.  the monies that comes with it is welcome too!  aside from finally being able to contribute to the household bills again, i hope to make a big-ish purchase.

i have been thinking about purchasing an ipad.  the price tag was a bit of a shock so i'm going to let it simmer in my head for awhile.  i have been on the fence about purchasing it.  but i think it's something that the three of us can enjoy.  a prezzie for the family.  i don't know why, but this thought makes me happy.  maybe because i am not the breadwinner so to be able to make such a purchase is a nice thing.  i know, it sounds kinda silly.  i predominately work on a casual basis so i have learned to be disciplined (most of the time!) and good at budgeting.  so, it's hard to make a big-ish purchase. hmmm...
image from the apple on-line store

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