Friday, May 27, 2011

leaving the nest

a mama and papa bird decided to make their home in the tree outside our front door.  i think they were careless and perhaps should have considered scoping out the neighbourhood before settling down in their new home.  and certainly before pushing their fledgling out of the nest to begin its independent life! 
for the past couple of days, the cute fledgling has been wandering about our place trying to get flight.  apparently, it takes a few days.  in the meantime, our cats hope to catch the baby bird before it finds its wings.  the cats have been attacked by mama and papa when the cats get too close.  rest assured that once they left their little one all alone to fend for itself, the cats were kept indoors at all times. 
i am glad the birds in the nest have dispersed, it was noisy!  but i am also glad to have witnessed nature outside my front door.  i think the fledgling will be okay.  it tries and tries to fly and soon it will.  it will learn to find its own food (the mama, while here, fed her little one).  it will find adventures once it takes flight, and eventually mate and have its own family.  this made me think about kai and i am not looking forward to the day that my little 'fledging' leaves the nest...

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