Wednesday, May 25, 2011


oprah broadcasts her final show today.  i will probably watch.  i have not always enjoyed the show but for the most part i must admit that i have.  i especially love the good that the show encourages.  i love how it inspires people to change their life for the better.  i love the life lessons it has shared.

the one thing that deeply resonated with me was when i heard maya angelou say these words (paraphrasing), "when my child walks into a room, he should see my face light up every time."
image from here
some other 'life lessons' from the oprah show that have been a good reminder (in no particular order)...

+ everyone just wants to be seen
+ make your passion into your job
+ instinct is a kind of wisdom
+ gratitude is the better part of joy
+ when people show you who they are, believe them
+ we teach others how we want to be treated
doubt means don’t
+ forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past could have been any different
+ what you give attention to grows
+ it’s not what you’re eating; it’s what’s eating you
+ your experiences are just things that happened to you; they aren’t you
+ this moment is the only one I know for sure I have
+ when you know better you do better
+ never allow yourself to be taken to the second location
+ be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more
+ you are responsible for the energy you bring into this space
+ be the change you want to see in this world
+ you are (worthy) enough

will you watch today?

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