Tuesday, May 24, 2011

scenes of a holiday monday

it was a lazy day today.  i like these days of dawdling about the house, tidying, laundering, and gardening.  i want to sit and read and relax but i am not always capable.  i need the house tidy and peaceful before i can engage in such simple activities.  i do take after my mom in this regard.  i have never known her to sit still, from her perspective there is always something to do in the house.

i spent most of the time outdoors in our little patio, it needs work.  yes?  there will be a small renovation happening, hopefully sooner than later.  nothing too major, we want to place a gate into the fence so the planter will need to be shorten. i will keep it's rainforest/japenese appearance. i love how these plants show up each year seemingly effortlessly.  my kind of garden!

i did plant some herbs.  i am trying basil again (as i do every season) and hopefully this time i will be lucky.  i have not been able to successful grow that herb!  i welcome any tips... please.

we have discovered lego games; they are so much fun.  highly recommended!

even loki had a relaxing day...

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