Saturday, September 3, 2011

party time, kai time

my little guy is turning 8 in a few days.  i know i am supposed to be excited for that (and of course i am) but i love where he is right now.  i love him small but i know it's unrealistic to assume he'll remain small so instead i revel in him, enjoy my time with him and to the things we will do together. we had a great summer this past month on vancouver island, the okanagan, and toronto.  we have seen lots of family.  but this past week, it's been just the two of us playing soccer, making crafts, bike riding, going to the pool, visiting science world, and hanging out.  i love these times that i get him all to myself.

kai's sense of humor is shining through, he makes us laugh alot. he has an awesome imagination and comes up with the craziest stories that he strings together on the spot. he fully engages in play, putting on costumes to play a part. i love that he is silly. 

i have to admit, kai is stubborn (like his mama) and wants an explanation for anything he is asked to do, "why do you boss me around?" he asks. i secretly love it when he challenges me, i can't help but hide a smile. however, it can be frustrating. he is certainly becoming more and more independent.

kai can also be loving.  i love it when he spontaneously strokes my face or hair while we are chatting at the dining room table or snuggling on the sofa,  wherever we may be.  it's such a beautiful act.  i cherish bedtime, after we have read, when we spend some minutes chatting about anything and everything.  i love that he takes an interest in shopping, he will point things out that he thinks i may like (shoes, jewellery, clothing).

kai's favourite books and movies:
*curious george (still), the giggles this show induces from him are contagious 
* scooby-doo
* ice age movies, he can watch these a gazillion times without ever being bored
* harry potter (finally), reads them with his dad
* the book series from how to train your dragon
* watching top gear with his dad

kai's favourite music (please don't judge):
* godsmack, metallic, and perfect circle
* he also likes bach and abba (thankfully!)
* he does an awesome beat box
* making up songs about whatever is happening in the moment

kai's favourite activities:
* biking, he has moved up to gears this year and loves showing off his new bike
* building forts with the sofa cushions and blankets (i love that he puts everything back as perfectly as he can)
* boy's night out with his dad to eat steak or pork belly, a ritual that stefan started before kai could walk or eat steak!
* climbing, anything (i don't fret anymore i think circus school has helped me with that)
* skiing, when ski season is done he eagerly awaits the next

kai's all time favourites (this list hasn't changed much over the years):
*lego and cars, he owns too many hot wheels
* dark chocolate (when his aunt gave him a kinder egg, he told his dad that he received cheap chocolate but ate it all the same)
* being tickled, morning time is reserved for play wrestling which always ends up in a tickle-fest
* his cats, my heart melts when he shows tenderness towards them
* the colour blue but he doesn't dismiss 'girlie' colours and admits to liking pink 

later in the week kai will have fun at his party, invites went out today.  he has requested macaroons, a homemade birthday cake from his dad, balloons, and a pinata.

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