Monday, September 5, 2011

weekend pics

this weekend we did alot of walking! 

on saturday we met up with our wonderful friends, darrin, alexia, and baby kara, at granville island for some breakfast - we picked up bread, cured meats, cheese and had ourselves a yummy breakfast. we then walked some of the seawall while kara slept.  i can't believe kara is looking like a little girl already and she isn't quite one yet.  don't you love those eyes of hers! 

for dinner the three of us dined at go fish.  this is go fish's second location, with an actually roof for those rainy days, couldn't be happier.  it's first location is a shack located right by the water, no indoor space.  you can't get fresher fish then this, right from the fisherman's boats which reside just a few feet away.  the lines at the shack can be ridiculously long, especially on the weekends.  no line ups to be had at the restaurant, which is tiny and the food is gorgeous.  i loved the fishermen chandeliers - i will take photos of the bricks and mortar location next time because there will definitely be a next time!

on sunday, after some patio clean up, my boys and i went for another walk, this time into kitsilano.  we shopped but we didn't buy anything but not for lack of trying!  we then headed down to kitsilano beach for a walk along the water.  kai had some fun at the new playground before we continued to meander towards home.  we also stopped for a drinkie drink - a cold beer and bellini hit the spot perfectly on a sunny day of being on our feet for 4.5 hours!
i love this photo of two friends chatting

we fine dined at home tonight.  stefan made the most yummiest of meals: pured peas, halibut, and handmade potato gnocchi!
kai helping stefan knead the gnocchi dough

once the soon to be birthday boy was fast asleep we ended the weekend with blowing up balloons and wrapping gifts.

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