Friday, September 16, 2011

jamaican memories

our dinner tonight consisted of jamaican patties with curry.  we discovered the patty shop recently but it has been in business for decades.  they make their patties - ready to eat or frozen, veggie or meat, mild or spicy - fresh on the premises.  the pastry is the melt in your mouth kind; nice and flaky.  the shop itself is a little hole in the wall where upon entry you ring a bell for service then choose from the variety of patties on the blackboard.

as we ate, i told kai about the jamaican trip we took when he was 1.5 years old.  one of his highlights of that trip was waiting for the patty guy to show up on the beach with his bike and box of patties.  we ate patties almost daily while we were in jamaica.  it was also his first time eating shrimp which he loved and continues to enjoy. 
the patty guy

we stayed in negril and the accommodation at crystal waters villas was fabulous.  cabins were scattered on the property and each cabin came with a cook/housekeeper. we would wake up to the smell of breakfast and at the end of the day we would return from wherever we were to find dinner in the oven.  we could ask for a particular dish or have her surprise us.  she was an awesome cook and we devoured every jamaican meal she made for us. if we wanted, lunch would be prepared too but we often ate out for lunch - too much good food to be had in jamaica.

a daily nap for kai


we discovered kai's love for the water very quickly. the evening we arrived, we walked down to the beach to take a peek and before we knew it kai submerged himself in the ocean with a great big smile on his face (my expression was one of fear!). 
the evening we arrived - kai is dry
the evening we arrived - kai is wet almost immediately

the driver we hired during those two weeks to take us out of the city for adventures was wonderful with kai and helped care for him on our outings.  kai loved having him around too.

we had such fun in jamaica and we often talk about revisiting it. the food was delicious, we ate alot of jerk! the people were friendly and lovely. and i loved their love of colour.


we ate here lots!
needless to say, kai had a fantastic time in jamaica!  these photos were taken on our last day on the island.

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