Tuesday, October 4, 2011


five new things came into my life over the last week - all of which i am loving very much.

1. a felt elephant from my lovely husband. this adorable little creation was spotted at one of the vendor tables at the market. it puts a smile on my face every time.

2. an aloe plant.  my parents always had one in the house which my dad would use to help heal cuts (from shaving or gardening).  it reminds me of him.

3. a bag clip that i am thinking of using on my key chain.  stefan and i went out for a quick bite to eat (kai was testing out the new sitter) and we settled on chinese food.  bao bei, a chinese brasserie, was having a fundraiser (education for women and children in palestine's west bank) and sadly were not serving food.  before we left for wild rice, serving modern chinese, i purchased the bag clip - it seemed wrong to just walk out without making a contribution.

4. a pair of boots that i have been coveting for far too long.  i was never able to decide on the shade of brown i wanted for the brown boots i would one day own.  so when i spotted these at a consignment store for such little money i decided i could not be choosy about the brown anymore. i think i did pretty well with these!

5. this was an object i was first coveting over here.  our local anthropologie store now carries them and i simply could not walk out without one of these gorgeous vases!

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