Monday, October 3, 2011

weekend pics

here are some snaps of the weekend.  it was filled with friends one evening (stefan made a delicious chicken cacciatore), a leisurely walk to granville island (fall flowers and apples are now available!), playgrounds, cleaning out closets, and a new babysitter (the latter two will have a post coming later in the week)!

our friend's teenage daughter brought dessert - homemade chocolate ice cream with a hint of orange and chocolate sponge cake
the 'green playground' as kai has called it since he could talk is still alot of fun for him, although he plays on it a little differently at the age of 8 compared to the age of 4!

our favourite grapes, concord
ambrosia apples are a favourite, too bad their season is so short!

we just learned that three harbour seals live by granville island

kai had his soccer photos this weekend which was conveniently located at a park so of course we had some play time at another playground! i love how comfortable kai is playing on his own (or with me), such a happy boy.


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