Friday, October 21, 2011

'new' glasses

do you wear glasses?  my daily pair (small, metal frame, discreet) are getting repaired - the coating started to smear giving me a dull, hazy view of the world.  despite this, i continued to wear them for a few months because the alternative was to wear my back-up pair which i think are nerdy (tortoise, plastic, darker, bigger).  when i did finally put them on (for home use only), i could actually see things in full colour and have since been wearing them for about a week, indoors and out.  i am being very brave! 

i felt the need to tell anyone that knew me how i came to be wearing my nerdy glasses.  surprisingly,  i have actually received a few compliments on my 'new' pair of glasses.  so now i am thinking maybe i don't look so dorky after all.  maybe i do love my big nerdy glasses.  maybe.  maybe not.

i did some research and it turns out that wearing nerdy glasses is a trend at the moment - apparently celebrities are sporting them.  anyway, i am not so brave as to post a photo of myself wearing them but this bride is brave.  isn't she just adorable in her glasses?  i love that she wore them to her wedding!

images from here

have a lovely weekend, do something brave!

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