Monday, October 24, 2011

weekend pics

we vancouverites have been having lovely weather.  the sun is shining, well most of the time anyway, especially for this time of year.  we spent lots of time outdoors.  kai's highlight of the weekend was the pumpkin patch. stefan's highlight will always be our weekly pilgrimage to thomas.  and my highlight would have to be stefan whipping together a chicken pot pie from the martha stewart living magazine - yes he did!  

stefan was giddy with excitement about thomas' new addition to his pastry selection, a chocolate double baked almond croissant!

it was stefan's first visit to the pumpkin patch - i usually accompany kai there with his school class or we have gone on our own during a week day.  it was very, very busy this weekend which we expected considering the sunshine.  we enjoyed some hay time, building forts and tossing hay.  we then took a wagon ride to the pumpkins and corn maze. thankfully we all wore our rubber boots, it was very muddy!  we indulged a little too much at the end of our visit with some pumpkin pie and donuts!  the pumpkin patch is located at the richmond country farms, an organic farm where we picked up some veggies and fruits. 

let me present the chicken pot pie that we ate by candlelight. the pot pie was perfection, the perfect comfort food for a fall evening.  after kai devoured his bowl, he said to his dad, "that was amazing, you get an A+."  i couldn't agree more.  stefan also writes about it on his blog, stef's road trip.  thank you stefan for finding my martha stewart magazine, it led to a very delicious meal!

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