Friday, November 4, 2011

i covet...

heather baun dahl is a local painter and ceramic artist who graduated from british columbia's emily carr institute of art and design.  i have always admired potters, especially heather's work.  i have memories of myself as a little girl sitting by the basement window of our neighbour's house to watch her working at her pottery wheel.  i was absolutely enthralled by it.  as an adult i took a couple of pottery classes at our local community centre.  i enjoyed those classes immensely but i wasn't very good. the guy that purchased all of my pottery pieces (mostly bowls since that's all i could master at the wheel) at a yard sale thought otherwise; he was flabbergasted that i would sell them.  i like to imagine my pottery on display at his home and taken off the shelf only occasionally to use for special occasions.

anyway, i digress, back to dahlhaus ceramics. i have been coveting her ceramics for a long time, especially the vases.  i love their cheerful colours and whimsical designs.  i think the reason i don’t yet own one is because i simply cannot decide on which one to purchase! i love the poppies on the tall vase but i also love any colour of the striped bottle vase.  decisions, they are difficult for me!

have a lovely weekend!

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