Monday, January 16, 2012

weekend pics, part 1 (kai around the house)

kai cooked up breakfast popovers!  all by himself!  and they were delicious!

a popover (in case you don't know) is a light, airy bread but i called them muffins to entice kai to try them.  and he loved the idea that there was a little compartment that could be filled with sweetness. he immediately knew what he would fill his first popover with - nutella.


this boy of mine loves his hot wheels so much. i am thinking about getting one of his favourites photographed as a prezzie for his room makeover. and lego, there is just so much of it in the house right now. i don't mind, in the world of toys there isn't too much to worry about with cars and lego. both of these toys spark his imagination - i love listening to the stories he comes up with. right now they are filled with good and evil storylines and when i suggest adding some love and sunshine (i.e. the yellow corvette noticed a field of flowers and he pulled over to admire them) he gives me his 'are you serious' look. i can try, can't i?


kai was also in a poem writing mode.  he told me he was going to write a 'poem' using math and this is what he presented me with.  he then emailed his poems (he wrote others) to me so i wouldn't loose them.  i love it!

kai got some loki love.  a cuddle is a rare occurrence between these two boys.  i love that loki has his paw around kai.  too cute!

not directly kai related but i had to add this last item.  i cooked!  but the terrific part of this is that both my boys ate it up.  this was a simple udon soup with bok choy, carrots, and the broth is miso based but with lots of flavours added like mirin, tamari, and rice vinegar.  yum.

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