Monday, January 16, 2012

weekend pics, part 2 (the snow)

it snowed, finally!  it was very pretty in the city (and if the weather gods have it right, there should be more tomorrow). 

we went up to grouse mountain for kai's weekly snowboarding lesson and it was a winter wonderland.  because vancourites have not seen much of the snow this season  it was also very busy up on the mountain.  it took stefan about an hour to find parking while i held our spot in line to get on the gondola up the mountain - when he finally showed up his ticket wasn't valid and he was going to turn around and leave when i begged him to buy a new ticket - one of the staff must have witnessed our interaction and gave him a freebie (thank you grouse mountain staff person, you are awesome!!!). 

stefan took advantage of the fresh powder and went snowboarding then met up with kai to ride with him.  kai was happy to show-off his skills on the board. as usual, i went  snowshoeing and what a delight to do so on newly fallen snow (and it was still falling!). despite the rigorous climb up the mountain, fellow snowshoers always had a smile of encouragement. i love that.  and i made sure to do the same on my way down.


i had more options once i reached the peak to continue on but went back to the chalet!

kai is the one holding the snowboard
we hoped to eat an early dinner at their timber room restaurant (it is very good) but it was closed for a private function so instead we ate from the cafeteria (it was okay) instead of returning home, hoping the line-up back down the mountain would get shorter but unfortunately that wasn't going to be the case. nevertheless, it was a wonderful afternoon.

the private function was a wedding - do you see the bride?

we came home to find the little cat, jude, destroying our paper towel roll! he is a naughty one.

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