Wednesday, February 29, 2012

moroccan rugs

i love the ben ourian rugs.  i see them pop up in lots of interiors.  they are so pretty and like that they are not usually perfectly geometric, giving them a great organic vibe.  they cost an arm and a leg but there are reproductions available out there which can be affordable.  they are amazing works of art and i think complement any decor.

they sure are gorgeous...
rug from here
image from here
image from here
image from here
image from here
image from here
i regret not picking one up when i was in marrakesh.  but i did pick up this rug (which is actually a blanket) when i was in tunisia.  i still haven't found the perfect spot for it.  but i do love it - most things can be made better with a bit of sequins.  and it seems perfect in this setting with the feathers (instead of flowers) and soft pink walls.

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