Thursday, August 9, 2012

tough love + pool + ice cream


the pool was packed because of the heat but it felt like we had it to ourselves.  just me, kai, and our splash bomb.  kai was in his glory. my heart swells at seeing him so happy.  i didn't realize it would be the calm before the storm that has been the past few days... where my kai decides to flex his muscles, be sassy and stubborn.  it breaks my heart a bit... and has me throwing my hands up in the air.

i don't always understand his behaviour but mostly i don't always like my reaction to this behaviour that i don't quite understand.

and so we get through the anger and the consequences, the hurt and the apologies. we cuddle. i will try harder to understand. we will be okay.

and in the meantime, there is always the pool and ice cream...

and if that doesn't work... i hope the next ten days of one-on-one time in toronto (surrounded by family!) gets us back on track.

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