Monday, October 15, 2012

weekend pics

it was a quiet and wet weekend.  on saturday the most i got up to was partaking in some yummy pancakes for breakfast, a short stroll in the kitsilano neighbourhood to the thomas haas cafe, then home to pile on the sofa for a movie.  on sunday i did nothing expect read through magazines, play with kai, and eat the most delicious roast chicken (infused with lemon, garlic, and shallots), the perfect comfort food for a fall evening.  it's a donna hay recipe but this one is similar.
i am still feeling under the weather (a cold accompanied by a persistent cough) and had little aspiration to do much.  i am now feeling some regret because there was stuff to do... attending the apple festival that took place this weekend, painting all the closet doors (they need it!), behind on laundry (it's amazing how much a household of 3 needs to do laundry), organizing photos, attending a yoga class or going for a run and the list can go on of course. 
i am determined to be healthier this week, back to business as usual.  i refuse to give my cough/cold another second of my attention (she says hopefully).

thomas now serves chai lattes!

poking around the shops in kitsilano i picked up some tin letters (see image below)  from here

looking for ideas for kai's halloween costume at just imagine - the go to place


his feet are getting so big :-(

a get well card for my mom (also not feeling great) from kai


and so fragrant as well... you must go out today and get groceries to make this, it's that good

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