Wednesday, January 2, 2013

holiday pics (part one, at home)

it was a low-key christmas spending the day tucked away at home cozy and lazy.  we spent christmas eve and day together, just the three of us.  we watched kai rip open presents with joy, played board games, lit candles, and ate far too much.  
the night before christmas...

a felted santa from kai and stefan... and i received these too :-)


playing with his new lego

can you believe this boy stayed up until 5am?!  over the holidays he is allowed one day to stay up as late as he likes... he chose christmas day.
during the days that followed, we continued with the cozy and lazy theme of the days before but this time with friends in the house; we feasted, we played (we love a good board game!), we laughed.  we are a lucky three.

if you don't mind, i must give a shout-out to my hubby.  we had a fabulous food-centric christmas that lasted for days... smoked salmon and scrambled eggs, cheese and pate and salami and crackers, smoked salmon risotto, roasted chicken with mash and gravy and carrots caramelized in molasses, butternut squash soup, ham with apricot glaze, potato based stew, and the most lovely popovers (a giant buttery puff). oh, and tons of treats too.  and yes, i am at least five pounds heavier.

thank you patrycja... we loved this polish cake!



thank you aadishri for the homemade ice cream and cake!
i hope your holidays were lovely and cozy with loved ones.  i will have more pics of our new year's eve stay in victoria tomorrow.

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