Tuesday, January 8, 2013


less of this

butternut salad with farro and pepitas
more of this

there is one thing that took place on the weekend that i neglected to share with you.

while hanging out in the kitchen, figuring out breakfast, kai out of nowhere states, "mom, you're getting fat."  silence. disbelief. process.

after the shock wears off i calmly acknowledge that his observation is correct.  stefan tells him that it is not polite to comment on someone's weight.  kai goes a step further, pointing to the exact location of the bigger belly that wasn't so big a month ago... he finds the whole thing funny.

i am okay.

remember when i wrote this post about gaining five pounds over the holidays? it was probably a tad more because i can't fit into some of my jeans, i can't button up my winter coat, i feel bloated all the time. i have a gym membership that i have not used since october, my yoga mat sits at the back of the closet, and i ache and feel sluggish. 
thanks to kai's honest observation, i took my last late night raid of the candy cane ice cream (that's it!) and i am ready to... 
  • eat clean
  • cut out the junk (i have indulged in more sweets during the month of december than i do in an entire year)
  • start a cleanse (bought and ready to begin today)
  • bring my yoga mat to the front of the closet and attend weekend morning classes again
  • dust off my running shoes and get running

thank you kai.

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