Monday, January 21, 2013

weekend pics

this weekend was spent mostly on the north shore...  well, that is, when we weren't chilling out at home with tea and movie watching and vegan cookie making :)

because of kai's cancelled soccer game on saturday we joined stefan on the north shore for an errand at the auto mall... and as luck would have it the auto mall is very close to thomas haas!  so after dropping off the car we meandered (kai longboarded) over to the café for a most delicious lunch; beef and barley soup, smoked salmon sandwich, and the most amazing hot chocolate (with maple syrup!), our first of the hot chocolate festival.  we also found a little path for kai to do some exploring among the trees and along the dam.  it was a nice little outing.

on sunday, we joined kai on grouse mountain... while the city was overcast and cold, the top of grouse was cheery bright, sunny and warm.  during kai's ski lesson stefan and i snowshoed... leisurely.  due to the lack of time (mixed in with a lack of motivation, perhaps just a tad) we didn't go up dam mountain as we normally do.  we did snowshoe in the park, lounge in the chalet, and on the way home we stopped by soirette to partake in our second hot chocolate drink of the weekend... peanut buttery goodness.

is it possible that i had a third hot chocolate drink before the weekend ended?  i'm afraid i did (i know!).  we met up with some friends at chocolate arts (my drink had a hint of raspberry and sweeter than the other two) then went to their place for a lovely beef and lentil stew.  it was so very good that i am attaching the recipe below.

all hot chocolate drinks were very good but my favourite was the one made by thomas haas... chocolate-y, smooth, with the perfect amount of flavour (not overbearing, not sweet).  just delicious!

the north shore and thomas haas:

grouse mountain and soirette:


the city was covered in a blanket of clouds


friends and chocolate arts:

bella... hopefully a permanent resident at our friend's home

the stew alexia had simmering all day... very yummy (warning: measurements are an approximation)

did you all have a lovely weekend too?

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