Monday, March 4, 2013

weekend pics

it was one of those quiet weekends; me being out of sorts (grumpy and moody) plus tons of catch-up schoolwork for kai to complete both contributed to a mainly at home weekend.  not exactly fun times, i must admit, it was what it was and today is a new day. 

but it wasn't all blue.  on saturday we got to hang out with alexia, darrin, and kara.  it was meant to be a lounging at the coffee shop kinda afternoon but instead we retreated to their home and indulged in panini from la ghianda and chocolate from thomas... so yummy.  kara, i think, was more of a chocolate lover than stefan and her mom combined.  she was so visibly excited at the thought of consuming chocolate i thought she would burst with happiness.  and oh my, i think she has a little crush on both my boys!  so. very. sweet.

and on sunday, after an entire, long, tiring morning of schoolwork, kai and i needed to have some kind of fun together, just he and i.  so off we went to spend the afternoon at the art gallery to participate in their fabulous family fuse weekend.  we made buttons using comic pictures; we watched a hip hop performance; we fooled around in projectorland (it was so cool!); kai made a full size superhero of himself; and we learned about comic writing.  i appreciated those few hours together with him. it was all sorts of lovely until we were back at home to complete more schoolwork.  let's just say the evening didn't end on a happy note.  so i am even more grateful to have carved out some one on one time with him.


i think this is a new cake from thomas... creamy, chai-like goodness!



other scenes from the weekend; tea and cat cuddles provide me with moments of calm when i am feeling out of sorts and grumpy and sad:

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