Tuesday, March 12, 2013

weekend pics

way, way back stefan and i committed to some regularly scheduled date nights... well, we failed miserably at it.  perhaps we were aiming too high? well, this weekend we managed to get out for two dates.  that's right, from nothing for months and months and months to two consecutive dates!

our first date was here, we ate amazing food, chatted about stuff that doesn't get said often enough, and to celebrate i had a kir royale (cassis and champagne is a fave of mine) and dessert!  our second date was a quickie. we dropped kai off at a birthday party in the north shore and we hung out at deep cove walking, window shopping, and ended up at this pub to share some food and have a beer (mine was mixed with ginger ale!).  i didn't realize how much we needed these dates to just hang out and chat and laugh and plan together... we are committed again to date nights.  my fingers are crossed that we succeed this time around.

other news from the weekend includes the last soccer game of the season (a secret yay!), fancy hotdog munching, coffee shops, five km run, attending the pet expo (kai and i want a dog so bad but then those hedgehogs were so cute!), and watching the new scooby-doo movie.  at the end of the weekend kai and i enjoyed the best jambalaya; before going away for work stefan made a big pot of this delicious dish so kai and i wouldn't starve while he was away :)

soccer and hanging out


during one of the games, kai played goalkeeper... this was one of his saves



kai practising his goalkeeping skills with stefan


pet expo... which pet should we add to our household?
 maybe a lovebird? poor loki, he won't want any new pet! 
deep cove


the jambalaya... thank you stefan!

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