Wednesday, March 13, 2013

jessie's girl

did you see rick springfield on ellen?  he sang jessie's girl, his first number one hit, with the director/producer of sound city dave grohl.  rick springfield is interviewed in the documentary along with other famous icon musicians who used sound city to record their albums.  rick is interviewed by the rolling stone here, if you'd like a quick read.  i plan to watch the documentary, you?

anyway... i was in love with rick springfield.  proof?  i cut out his pictures from magazines and stored them in a binder to stare at whenever i pleased; went to his concerts and screamed; memorized his songs; and watched general hospital when he played dr. noah drake.  i wanted so badly to be jessie's girl and i knew if he ever met me he'd fall in love with me too... silly teenage girl stuff, right?! 

and don't get me started on cory hart :) and you, any rock n roll loves?
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