Friday, March 15, 2013

colour please!

it has been grey in vancouver for too long.  rain, rain, and more rain. i am longing for colour... blossoming trees and flowers, blue sky, and a yellow happy sun please.  is that too much to ask?

this home, full of exploding colour, is gorgeous.

these colourful magnets would look great on our kitchen board.

wearing this bangle would provide the right amount of colour to an outfit.

i would join the colour run in a second; so awesome!

yes, every home can definitely use a colourful moroccan pouf

seeing someone wear this pink and white skirt would make me smile.

colour-coded books... love.

i have seen these colourful bunting balls at a number of local shops and want a string of my own.

a rose coloured / flower decorated cake... yum!

have a lovely weekend. hope it's colourful wherever you live!

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