Tuesday, March 19, 2013

weekend pics

our mornings were blissfully lazy; lounging in pyjamas until lunch, puttering about the house, reading, wrestling, planting tulips.

our afternoons were meant to shop and spend monies.  we were ready to hand over our cash but after a saturday afternoon of trying to make a purchase we went home empty-handed.  we were sad.  then at the very end of the day on sunday, stefan did it... he bought us the perfect little camera! it has all sorts of cool features that i am excited to play around with (expect a post about this soon!).

stefan and kai also had a date with the symphony; a kid friendly harry potter themed kind of symphony.  the music was familiar, the 'wizard' provided comedy relief, and all kai had to say about it was "it was okay".  the three of us also managed to get a bike ride in too (yes, it was finally sunny enough!) which, i believe, kai enjoyed more.

and the food we consumed was so very good.  tacos from the korean mama cart, fish dishes from the go fish shack, and irish mash with green sausage cooked up by stefan in honour of st. patrick's day.

all in all, a lovely weekend.

signage for the cross... it is a lovely place to get lost in; coveting their jewellery box and their candle holders and their frames and their rugs and their art and their pillows and their lamps and so much more!!!!


kai and jude around the house 

devouring crepes

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