Friday, May 10, 2013

favourite furniture + favourite little boy

the bedroom is the best room in the house.  and in particular?  the bed is the best feature.  it's the perfect platform for lounging - get yourself under the covers and read, cozy up with the ipad for an episode of homeland, or hanging out with the family.  perfection.

of course, bedrooms are the best during weekend mornings when lounging is in full force; kai and i are pretty good at it.  one of my greatest pleasures is when kai climbs in under the covers with me for a chat or to read a chapter of a book or a wrestling match (lounging ultimately ends up in the latter).  these mornings are the best. 

i am so lucky to be his mama.

blurry iphone pic but i love his smile here.
to the mothers reading this little blog of mine, happy mother's day!  have a most lovely and sweet weekend.


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