Tuesday, May 14, 2013

weekend pics, mother's day

my happy, light, fun weekend was muddled by housework (laundry and dishes in particular), a nine year old with big attitude, and a martial spat.  these things happen of course and i'm fine, but why this weekend?  i have thought about this question a lot but for this post i will concentrate on the good things... 

breakfast in bed... frittata with cheese and prosciutto + scones and strawberries was yummy.  and my new scooter is going to be so much fun to ride.  we had some scooter races in the garage (rain!) - i came in third but just wait until i have some practise under my belt :) 

it was an active weekend which involved running two 5km runs; the warm weather allowed for some really fun water balloon fighting twice (which got me running again!) and our little neighbour friend joined in too; and i tended to my little garden planting lettuce (i know this is something i can grow, basil on the other hand, not a chance).



these lillies, my bleeding hearts, hydrangea, maple, and hosta come back year after year.

i also lounged quite a bit; reading. a. book.  there are so many books on my to read list so it was nice to have a few hours to just read.  the happiness project is what i am reading right now and i am devouring it; such good reminders in those pages. 

i have a little crush on robert downey jr so spending some of mother's day watching iron man three was lots of fun.  if you haven't seen it, do so - i enjoyed the humor, loved that pepper potts got in on the action, and ben kingsley's character was so funny and well done.

despite the big attitude coming from my little guy he is also a cuddle monster who still loves to cuddle up with me on my lap (i know, i might just have one or two more years of this left).

i adore this face!

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