Thursday, May 30, 2013

my little drummer boy

this advertisement for a drummer made me smile.  i spotted it displayed in a local record store some time ago - it's been on the wall forever - and was told that i am not the only one who has asked to photograph it.

kai told his dad and i that he wants to be a drummer when he grows up.  i probably mentioned on this blog before that kai takes drum lessons but we discovered that he's actually good.  last week his drum instructor surprised him with a double kick drum to practise on.  i learned that it's a drum kit often used in heavy metal bands.  kai loved it. 

while stefan is looking into this rockband school so kai can also have some fun playing as part of a band - but (thankfully) he may need to wait a few years - i am thinking about taking him out of his lessons... this tiger mama would agree with me but i won't.  for now :)

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