Tuesday, May 28, 2013

the stock market

the highlight of getting braces - yes, there actually is a highlight - has been eating the stock market soups.  in preparation for the braces i stocked the freezer with a variety of their soups and have loved them all.  so. very. flavourful.  you can't go wrong with any of them but my favourites have been the split pea, yam, or lentil soups.

we don't eat much pre-prepared foods so i never gave their soups much thought until the braces came on.  unlike the usual fare of pre-prepared foods, these soups contain no additives, preservatives or msg.  buying frozen saves you a few dollars too.

the stock market is located in the granville island market.  it was a family run business for over a decade until a few years ago.  the original owners retired to be closer to their grandchildren and sold their soup business to one of their loyal customers/employees; at least this is the story i have been told :)

thank you stock market! you were such a comfort to me during those first weeks with braces!

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