Monday, June 10, 2013

weekend pics

a craving for fish and chips took us to the quaint town of steveston... it's been a couple of years since we made a visit and thought it was about time. 
  • exploring new shops
  • eating at our regular steveston restaurant, sockeye city, for fish and chips
  • braving sea urchin and almost throwing up!
  • indulging in coffee ice cream 

my brave boy tried sea urchin... he didn't like it!



ending the afternoon with ice cream! and I like how my boys dressed alike :)

and a cultural school project took us to the italian festival on commercial drive.  kai has a presentation on his culture (dutch and italian) and we picked up some treats for him to share with his class.
  • eating tacos instead of arancini because the line-up was way too long for the latter
  • standing in a way too long line-up for cannoli and gelato (yes, more ice cream!)
  • listening to italian music brought back memories of the italian weddings of my youth
  • playing foosball with kai was great fun
  • watching bike polo; although not an italian sport it was exciting to watch nonetheless
  • missing stefan (he left us sunday for work business) 


the very looooong line for cannoli and gelato



bike polo

other scenes from the weekend:

working on his 'my culture' project for school
hope you had a lovely weekend too.

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