Friday, June 7, 2013

bill and sarah

a couple of days ago i was home sick (another cold).  i stayed in bed the entire day ignoring the dishes in the sink, the clothing that needed washing and the pillows that needed plumping.  instead, snuggled under the blankets, with loki and a cup of tea nearby, i watched two documentaries.  it was a completely lazy day.

the first documentary i watched was bill cunningham new york - it was such a delightful film.  bill, now 84 years old, is a street-style photographer for the new york times column on the street.  his passion for fashion photography left me speechless.  and i love that he rides his bike (rain or shine) everywhere around new york to photograph anyone (not only celebrities) he deems fabulous.

bill is a funny, quirky, humble, and lovable person.  he may capture beauty with his camera but he exemplifies the beauty of the human spirit.  please watch it (see trailer below)!


the stories we tell is an incredible movie directed by sarah polley.  it's a personal film about her late mother's life and secret.  what's remarkable is that she not only interviewed her relatives and her mother's friends, each with their own perspective and truths about her mother and her secret, but she was able to hear all the stories and then make a movie about it!
when the documentary is being touted by the critics as riveting and genius and a triumph you have to see it right? 

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