Wednesday, July 10, 2013

my summer week with kai

spending the first week of summer with kai makes me slow down and take a deep breath forgetting a messy house or  emails i need to respond to.  it's just us, lazy mornings, the sunny outdoors, meandering in the woods, ice cream, and whatever pool we fancy on visiting.  and the best part, the part that makes my heart swell, is that he appreciates this uninterrupted time we have together too.  there's definitely more hugs making their way to me :)




the beginning of summer is when i wish i were a teacher so kai and i could have more than just one week like this.  but i shouldn't complain, we will soon have three weeks in august and in the meantime kai will have fun sword playing, biking, making new friends, and joining the circus.  he will be just fine without me.  i will survive too... barely.

we visited patrycja, new brighton (pictured), hillcrest, and kitsilano


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