Tuesday, July 2, 2013

weekend pics, canada day long weekend

we started our weekend off lunching with one of the most loveliest families, jason, dede and their sweet girlies (i can't wait to vacation with them in august!).  we stuffed ourselves with some homemade yumminess prepared by stefan - fish tacos, salsa, coleslaw, and potato salad.  it was such a beautiful day that we decided to walk off said yumminess... we walked and walked while the kids scooted along the seawall towards more yumminess... ice cream!  despite the injuries each of the three kids incurred along the way (the kind that induces tears) it was a lovely, albeit sweaty, day.  can you spot the photo when kai is injured?




on sunday we attended the second annual joy of feeding (read about our first joy of feeding here).  it was one delicious day, under blue skies and sunshine, surrounded by homemade ethnic foods, happiness, and music.  kai's favourite food was a molokhiya lamb curry from sudan, mine was the aloo-beans from fiji and stefan's was the cokoladna torta (chocolate walnut cake) from serbia.  i think stefan should participate next year, help me encourage him!
"Joy of Feeding is all about sharing our different homes, within the same community, with one another. One of the most loving things we do at home is to cook, to feed and to nurture. And in my view, it’s only through encouraging this love that we will encourage ourselves as a community to go green. The first and easiest way to go green is to pay attention to what we eat and how our food is grown, as all of us must eat to live."



on canada day we scooted (the three of us own scooters now) down to granville island where we indulged in shaved ice - a favourite of kai's and mine - and donuts.  and we timed it perfectly to see the parade too.  once at home, we lounged outdoors (too hot indoors!) snacking and playing croquet and bocce and the best part was when our neighbours joined us for an impromptu gathering... and they helped us finish off a bottle of wine too.





hope you had a lovely - and sunny - weekend!

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