Friday, August 2, 2013

celebration of light

photo from pinterest
i have to admit something -- i find fireworks boring.  they are loud, sparkly, colourful and yet they do not light up my world.  but i am in the minority. vancouver hosts the celebration of light every mid-summer and this year marks it's 23rd year and it attracts hundreds of thousands of people to english bay

during the celebration of light, three countries compete to win. this year canada goes up against the united kingdom and thailand. when the uk put on their display i was on the sunshine coast with my boys.  during canada's spectacle, last night, i was in bed.  the finale is tomorrow night when thailand gets to show off but i will most likely be sprawled out and snoring away in bed again (well, i don't actually snore but you get the picture).  my boys, on the other hand, may hang out on our balcony to ohhh and ahhhmaybe i'm the one that's boring.  a saturday night + fireworks and i plan to be asleep. yawn.

have a lovely weekend, with or without fireworks.

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