Tuesday, August 6, 2013

weekend pics, at home

this long weekend was about spending time at home... while i was cleaning and clearing the exterior of our house, stefan was cooking up a storm in the kitchen, and kai was happy to play and be nearby.  we were each achy to be home with no agenda... going with the flow.
working on the patio - so many pots to be scrubbed clean! - had me dreaming a bit.  you see, our complex is going under construction soon and the exterior of our home (by the front door, on the balcony, in our garden) needs to be cleared of everything.  this was a time-consuming, strenuous, and satisfying task (my body aches!) and the end result?  a blank slate in which to daydream about what my garden will look like next year...

flatbread pizza topped with arugula, roasted tomatoes and garlic, and thinly sliced flank steak... beer can chicken with corn on the cob, arugula and strawberry salad... sangria... chocolate and coffee ice cream... french toast and raspberries in a bowl... everything made in house from scratch.  needless to say, kai and i were well nourished with the most delicious meals.  thank you, thank you, thank you stefan.



while we were loving our home days, we did get outdoors for a burst of sunshine and fresh air once daily.  on saturday, i met a friend for an early morning swim then lingered over a tea + most delicious scone at viva.  on sunday, my boys and i went to the farmer's market, our first this summer.  on monday, we had lots of fun trying to play tennis and lounging on the grass playing scrabble.


these were definitely the sweetest little things



flowers from the market to brighten our home

other scenes from the weekend...

soccer ball retrieval from a neighbours roof


video games!
i'm home with kai again this week and we are going to enjoy this summer sun before heading off to the mountains at the end of the week!

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