Friday, August 9, 2013

the tomato sandwich

do you notice the cheese in this tomato sandwich?  it is so not necessary... skip the cheese, trust me.
one of the best things i eat during the summer months is the tomato sandwich.  a locally grown tomato (i usually prefer the heirloom), a tad of mayo, and a pinch of salt and pepper is all you need.  what do you get in return?  flavour and sweetness and juiciness.  i have been scarfing these down on glutton-free bread like there's no tomorrow.  so. very. good.
in a couple of weeks kai and i will be visiting my mother in toronto and one of the things we are looking forward to most is greedily eating as many of her home grown tomatoes (see here and here) as we possible can during the week that we are there.  it's as local as you can get - tomatoes picked just moments before devouring them.  can't wait!
ps. if you'd like to read about what to eat when tomatoes are not in season, click here.

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