Wednesday, September 4, 2013

back to school

today kai starts his first full day of grade 5 when he finds out who his teacher and classmates will be.  we've talked and talked and he is cool and prepared - although, he knows, the talking was mostly for me being nervous for him.  i'm cool too ;)

that's kai about to shoot the basketball with his best buddies looking on
he wore this t-shirt, perfect for the first full day back to school:
from kin ship goods and i bought this one too

 picked up these shoes for him when we were in toronto:

from art kids
similar from geox
he'll use these new snack packs:
from fluf

i am seriously thinking of picking him up this new knapsack:

he is signed up for after school activities... climbing and soccer:
kai is 10 tomorrow... although i'm still trying to talk him into staying 9 for a touch longer.  i know, not going to happen.

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