Monday, September 9, 2013

weekend pics, the birthday party

two parties in one day.  what can i say, turning ten is a big deal. 

we started out at academie duello - centre for swordplay - where the kids had a lesson on using the long sword and the quarter shaft.  it was serious business but i loved how the kids added drama to the lesson with slow motion falls to the ground when they were attacked or the look and sound of pain when they were hit or their evil smirks when they were doing the attacking.  then they ate donuts!

the swordplay fun was supposed be the party but taking the party away from our home didn't feel completely right. i wanted kai surrounded by the family we've made here in vancouver and so we again gathered them all up at our place.  we have an amazing group of friends and getting to celebrate kai's tenth alongside them makes me feel incredibly lucky.  
kai was all smiles and happy and carefree - running around with water guns, releasing balloons, hanging out in what he referred to as the kid's only lounge (aka his bedroom), perfecting the layered costume look, nerf gun fun, and then (yes, there was another treat) eating a chocolate cake.

what a satisfied boy at the end of it all.  when asked what his favourite part of the day was he took a moment of pause and then said, "everything."  what an awful lot of goodness for one little guy.

party number #1

party number #2



cheers to you my friends for all of your sweet kai wishes! 

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