Monday, September 16, 2013


a note of apology for missing in action last week.  see that cat up there?  well, i have felt like that for the last couple of weeks.  if i could i would easily fall asleep by 7pm.  i have very little energy by the end of my work day... the last i want to do is grocery shop, attend to this blog (even though i love it), stay awake to watch some homeland with the hubby, and even have a good wrestle with kai.
maybe i need to check my thyroid?  maybe i need to re-start my b12 injections and/or iron pills? maybe i need to run again?  whatever is going on, i hope to figure it out sooner than later.
in the meantime, i will try to remedy my lack of posting.  if you like, check back tomorrow for my weekend pics.
(cute photo from here)

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