Monday, November 4, 2013

weekend pics

this is my weekend.  it's wet.  it's sunny.  and it's all cozy.

weekends are best when gathered with good friends and we did just that over caramel chicken and chocolate chip cookies.  stefan spent time in the kitchen cooking and baking while listening to my dying bride; he was in his element.  we visited coffee shops and a dog named quantum.  we drank blueberry tea and wow, i found many hours to actually read.  i strolled and bought this purple shirt and this grey cover for my new kobo gifted to me by stefan.  we watched happy gilmore and played board games too.

kai?  he enjoyed a rainy soccer game and a tuff kid challenge.  he drank decaf cappuccinos and inhaled the caramel chicken (his new favourite meal).  he chased dogs and he was chased by little kara.  he learned some computer programming and played video games.  he cuddled with his mama like there was no tomorrow. 

we had a good cozy weekend.  i hope you did too!


gorgeous roses to brighten a gloomy day... thank you d&a



photo taken by kai

kai having fun with quantum and other furry friends



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