Thursday, January 9, 2014


last year i saw lots of mamas on the internet participating in a weekly project documenting their children once a week, every week, for the entire year.  click practising simplicity to learn about the start of this project; i love the concept.  so,  i thought i would do the same and just in time seeing as the first week of january has come to a close.

i am excited to have a little project for this blog but worry i won't stick with it or fall behind. i will do my best though.  every wednesday i will have a portrait of kai or perhaps an "unportrait" of him, something that represents him, a favourite toy he is playing with, muddy footprints in the house, or running wild.  we'll see.

kai: after three days of back to school and two nights of soccer practice, he is exhausted. he fell asleep at five-thirty on the sofa.  no shower, no completed homework, no dinner.  just one boy needing some sleep.  and before falling asleep he was grumpy too.

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