Wednesday, January 8, 2014

looking forward

Image of Girl 1 Print
painting from here

instead of resolutions i thought i would instead make a list of things i am looking forward to in 2014.  i have been thoughtful about this list but certain as the year progresses more will be added but for now here it is:
reinventing my mornings (i love to sleep in which means i am often rushing out the door so a good start would
be to get up much earlier than i currently do!)
taking a photoshop class to create layout and mood boards, retouch photos,
add type and drawings to images... to make my blog posts feel special
practising patience, always
attending spin classes
reading more... books not magazines 
mastering the art of icing
taking the photos off the computer and into albums (perhaps during those
reinvented mornings?)
starting a veggie garden in the summer
shopping for new patio furniture once the construction is finally complete
being in the kitchen more as stefan's sous chef (i really enjoyed rolling up
saving my pennies for a new kitchen countertop... like this one (especially since 
i will be sous chefing more often)
learning to blow dry my hair the way they do at the salon
laughing, alot
getting better about photography... especially to capture action since i have a boy
who often refuses to pose for photos
travelling, anywhere
hosting dinner parties
i love making lists, especially crossing things off as they are completed! 

what's on your list?

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