Monday, January 6, 2014

weekend pics

our weekend in a nutshell...

we ate gnocchi and italian wedding soup with friends.  did i mention stefan is badass in the kitchen? his italian mother-in-law would be proud.  we played ticket to ride (our new favourite game) with said friends and instead of the usual friendly game it quickly turned aggressive - it was good to be challenged but such a surprise that it was initiated by the most unlikely person.  it's nice to have friends that keep you on your toes :)  anyway, aadishri brought handmade truffles and a thomas cake so she can be forgiven... so delish.

we packed up christmas but not before we opened a couple more gifts - thank you snehal and family!

we strolled with and beaucoup'ed with other friends.  it was lovely to finally get together with kristi and family... you know when there is a family you are dying to connect with but life doesn't make it happen?  well, we made it happen on sunday and it was lovely.  oh, if you find yourself at beaucoup, they have one of the best london fog teas.  trust me on this.

kai and stefan video game played like there was no tomorrow and i took a wander along the beach; it was too gorgeous out not to. and, of course, there was soccer, laundry and cleaning up too!

hope your first weekend of 2014 was a good one! 

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