Friday, January 3, 2014

the perfect gift

kai's school had their first holiday bazaar; families donated gently used items that the kids could shop.  each item cost two dollars or less.  i loved the idea of holding a bazaar for two reasons.  first, it would emphasis on giving rather than receiving but most importantly, i hoped that the kiddos would realize what an amazing joy one can feel in the act of giving.  i know this was true for kai.

kai chose my gift all by himself.  he wrapped my gift behind closed doors, away from a curious mama, all by himself.  he had such huge pride in these actions; his eyes smiled big and that knowing smile that he chose perfectly for me.  he was so excited for me to open it that he insisted we change up tradition so we each get to open one gift on christmas eve.  i obliged much to his delight.  guess what?  he chose perfectly for me : )

when you give and receive the perfect gift, all sorts of goodness is unleashed.  i love that kai experienced the joy of giving.  thank you my little 'santa', love you.

have a lovely weekend.

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